Lychee Pudding

This is my favourite pudding. My Mama taught me the recipe. It's easy and very delicious. Eat it when it is cold, it's very juicy! My husband says this pudding tastes good. Sometimes, I cook this pudding when we have any occasion, and everybody eats till finger licking ;) hehe.

1 evaporated milk
4 eggs
1 tin lychee
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 pack 30g agar-agar
4 cups water
1 and 1/2 cups sugar
To cook:
Mix together milk, yolk, air lychee, vanilla essence, blend sebati (kejap je).
Meanwhile, carik-carik buah lychee.
Kemudian, masak agar2 atas api dgn 4 cups of water.
Bila agar2 cair, masukkan gula.
Setelah mendidih, masukkan bahan-bahan yang di blend tadi.
Masukkan buah laici yang dicarik, kacau.
Bila dah nampak berasap2, masukkan putih telur yang dipukul kembang, dan terus angkat masuk bekas.
Masuk peti ais bila agar2 tadi dah agak sejuk.
Makan bila sejuk!

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