Steamed Black Pepper Chicken

This recipe is healthy, obviously! Good for your belly hehe. Well, it is delicious and very very easy to prepare. But the most difficult part is to get the steamer ready, you know, the steamer with the water in it is heavy, and the steamer is too big to be cleaned.

300g ayam
2 garlic - pound
1 lemongrass - pound or potong halus2
White pepper
1 s/b oyster sauce
1 s/k soy sauce
Some cili padi
Vegetables - carrot, kacang peas, onion spring, bunga kobis - cut into small pieces
Small amount of air asam jawa
Salt to taste
To cook:
Mix up all the ingredients except chillies and vegetables for a night or at least 3-4 hours.
Steam them.
Add on chillies and vegetables when there are nearly done.

Ayam tu akan keluarkan air n its oil, this gonna be the gravy.

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