Chinese Cabbage in Oyster Sauce

This is a simple recipe, suitable to be served with Cantonese Steamed Fish or Chicken.

Chinese cabbage
3 garlic - chopped
4 tbsp oyster sauce
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup water
1 tsp sesame oil
White pepper
3 stalks spring onion

To cook:
Rebus or steam kobis cina. Toskan, susun dalam pinggan.
Tumis bawang putih hingga wangi.
Masukkan air, kicap, sos tiram, minyak bijan, lada hitam. Biar mendidih.
Tuang atas kobis tadi. Siap.

1 comment:

Mya Sakura said...

oh dear..tak terfikir pun nak guna steamed cabbage..selalu guna siew pak choy (baby sawi) jek..nice food blog..loving it..visit mine. But dh lama tak update about food..but maybe there are some recipe that I can share with ya :)

tgh nak cari recipe how to make a simple brown sauce and black pepper for steak :(