Baked Caramel

Famous irish recipeee... my ayah said "oh, macam hotel". my mom-in-law said "tak payah lan beli kedai dah". Tarak tipu punye recipe.

Ingredients for caramel:
1/2 cup sugar
2 tbsp of water

Heat the sugar until golden brown.
Remove from heat, put the water onto the caramel, put it back on the heat, stir fastly for 15second and pour in the bekas yang tahan panas.

Ingredients for pudding:
2 1/2 cup fresh milk
1/2 cup castor sugar
6 eggs
few drops of vanilla essence

Blend eggs n sugar
Heat the milk sampai mula nampak buih menggelegak, cepat2 remove from heat
Masukkan vanilla essence
Masukkan eggs n sugar
Kacau2, masukkan mixture dalam bekas with caramel tu (A)

Heat the oven 160degree.
Masukkan (A) dalam sebuah bekas berisi air. (Kira mcm dua lapis le nih - ini tujuan moistkan puding tu).
Masak dalam 30minit, check dgn garpu, kalao takde yg lekat2 maknanya siap.
Sejukkan before terbalik kat pinggan, lepas tu sejukkan dlm peti ais.

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